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Own a corporate PWA App without any additional costs!


Own a corporate PWA App without any additional costs!

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What is a PWA App?

It's well known that, generally speaking, developing a corporate app requires a budget of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands, making it extremely costly!
Progressive Web App (PWA) allows web applications to run on smartphones/tablets/computers just like native apps.

🔴 Install directly from the website, no need to upload to app stores

As shown above, when users browse your website, they will be automatically prompted whether they want to install the Web App onto their phones, completely bypassing the App Store/Google Play.

🔴 Low development and maintenance costs

Since there's no need to write specific, separate codebases for each platform (iOS, Android, Windows), your cross-platform costs will naturally be much lower.

ONESYNC Platinum series website system comes with PWA App

Completely free! As long as you use the ONESYNC Platinum series website system, it will come with the PWA App feature, allowing your users to directly install the Web App from your website onto their phones!

 咨询 - Own a corporate PWA App without any additional costs!