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The Risk of Choosing Non-ISO Website Service Provider


The Risk of Choosing Non-ISO Website Service Provider

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The Risk of Choosing Non-ISO Website Service Provider

Choosing a web service provider without ISO certification can pose several risks. ISO (International Organization for Standardization) certification ensures that a company adheres to internationally recognized standards for quality and security. Here are the risks associated with opting for a non-ISO certified service provider and how an ISO-certified company might mitigate these risks:

  1. Risk of Data Leakage (Inquiries/Orders/Customer Lists):

    • Non-ISO Certified Concern: Service providers without ISO certification may not have stringent data access controls. Technically, they can access your inquiries, orders, and customer lists since they maintain your website's code and database. However, without proper protocols, this data could be easily accessed by any employee.
    • ISO-Certified Mitigation: ISO-certified companies are likely to have robust data protection measures. Sensitive data, such as inquiries and orders, are password-protected and only accessible by authorized senior personnel. Access is strictly controlled and monitored, ensuring that sensitive information is not viewed or handled by unauthorized staff.
  2. Data Security/Breach:

    • Non-ISO Certified Concern: There might be a lack of clarity and enforcement regarding what constitutes confidential client information. For instance, details about an unreleased product or a special promotion could be prematurely leaked by the service provider's staff.
    • ISO-Certified Mitigation: ISO-certified companies typically have strict protocols for handling sensitive information. Employees are not allowed to take unauthorized photos or recordings in the office. Computers must be locked even when leaving the desk momentarily, ensuring that project data is only accessible to those directly involved in the project.
  3. Low Quality of Service:

    • Non-ISO Certified Concern: Service providers without ISO certification may lack standardized operating procedures (SOPs). This means that when issues arise or complaints are made, the resolution is dependent on the individual employee's judgment, which can lead to inconsistent and sometimes inadequate solutions.
    • ISO-Certified Mitigation: ISO-certified companies usually operate under strict SOPs. Whether it's customer service or technical support, actions are guided by these procedures, ensuring that issues are resolved efficiently and effectively according to the best possible approach.

In summary, while non-ISO certified service providers might offer services at potentially lower costs, the risks associated with data security, potential data breaches, and inconsistent service quality can be significant. ISO-certified companies, on the other hand, provide a framework of trust and reliability, ensuring that your data is handled securely and services are delivered consistently at a high standard.

NEWPAGES is an ISO-Certified Web Service Provider

We are proud to be a company certified in both ISO 9001 (Quality Management) and ISO 27001 (Information Security Management). Our ISO 9001 certification is a testament to our commitment to consistently deliver high-quality services to our clients. Meanwhile, the ISO 27001 certification reaffirms our dedication to protecting client data, ensuring the highest level of security and trust.

 Inquiry - The Risk of Choosing Non-ISO Website Service Provider